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Proxy, my cat.

Rating:  (8.57)    [26183 views]
Theme: Animals
Owner: madelon
My cat Proxy also happens to be the prettiest and sweetest cat on earth. Don't you just love his dramatical look?
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User Comments

avalon_donii writes:
man, you got nerve. i applaud you..not! settle down

animalover5421 writes:
Why don't you people(everyone that is saying awwww) go and help save other animals. If tigers, lions, and all the other big wild cats weren't here this little cute kitten wouldn't be either! There is already enough domestic kittens in this world, but then when you look at it in my point of view, none of them would be here if it weren't for the endangered bangal tigers, or the extinct saber-toothed tigers, or any of the big cats! They are dying because of us and none of you people even give a care, all you care about is the stupid, little, useless domestic kittens!

echos_of_silence writes:
^_^ Sweet Kitty. I love cats and have one. x)

kallie-xox writes:
So beautiful. Wish it was mine.

ishi writes:
A pity that there is so much noise in the background...

konni writes:
love those green eyes :)

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