|  | writes: i'm not sure what you were askin to see. but i'll try to figure it out and post somethin, lol!


 |  | writes: that's cool about your blood line. we only have about 4 fluent (1st language) speakers left. but we're tryin.
i like your work, and your style.


 |  | writes: some really great backgrounds i really like your avatar too .keep up the good work


 |  | writes: Did u like the photo?


 |  | writes: I am from Poland. And you?


 |  | writes: i am good, too. :)


 |  | writes: Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


 |  | writes: _________________**_**_________________


 |  | writes: _____*_______** * ___________
____________***__*_**** ___________
____________**__**_____* __________
___________***_*__*_____* _________
__________****_____**___****** ____
_________*****______**_*______** __
________*****_______*_______* _____
________******_____*_______* ______
_________******____*______* _______
__________********_______* ________
__***_________**______** __________
*******__________** WHAT IS SWEET BUT
_*******_________* NOT HONEY_______
__******_________*_* ______________
___***___*_______** PRECIOUS BUT NOT
_______****_*___* _________________
_____******__*_** BRIGHT BUT NOT...
____*******___** SUNSHINE__________
____*****______* __________________
____**_________* IMPROVE WITH TIME..
_____*_________* BUT NOT WINE???___
_____________*_* __________________
______________** IT'S..........


 |  | writes: yea, hong kong is pretty i enjoyed it there!


 |  | writes: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


 |  | writes: hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 |  | writes: Im an aspiring photographer...i try...ineed to carry my camera around a lot more..i think ppl most of the time ruin pictures by being in them..unless theyre hot...lol..or r in there purposely....hard to keep them out in LA....
